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Alright, listen up. Let’s cut through the BS and talk real numbers.

You want lawyer SEO that actually works? It’s gonna cost you. We’re talking $3K to $15K a month. Minimum.

Why the range? Simple. It depends on three things:

  1. Where your site ranks right now. Are you on page 10 or fighting for the top spot?
  2. Your competition. Are you in NYC or Smalltown, USA?
  3. Your practice. Personal injury in LA? That’s a bloodbath. Estate planning in rural Idaho? Different ballgame.

But here’s the truth bomb: If you’re not willing to invest, don’t bother. Cheap SEO is like cheap surgery – you’ll end up paying more to fix the mess.

Remember, this isn’t a cost. It’s an investment. One that can 10x your business if done right.

So ask yourself: Are you playing to win, or just playing not to lose?