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Law Firm Local SEO Building Your Digital Empire, One Authority Link at a Time

Listen up, legal eagles. You didn’t bust your ass in law school just to be another nameless suit in the vast ocean of online search results. But here’s the truth bomb: in today’s digital courtroom, it’s not just about who you know it’s about who knows you online. That’s where Law Firm Local SEO comes in, and we’re about to flip your digital game on its head.

Law Firm Local SEO Link Building Logo 217x217

Build Authority, Not Just Links: The Law Firm’s Local SEO Mantra

Let’s get one thing straight: if you think SEO is just about cramming your website with links like a desperate law student stuffing facts before the bar exam, you’re dead wrong. At Law Firm Local SEO, we don’t just build links; we forge your digital authority.

Links Are Good, Authority Is King

Sure, links are like citations in your legal briefs—they matter. But authority? That’s your reputation, your clout, your digital swagger. It’s what makes potential clients stop scrolling and start dialing your number.

We Don’t Just Elevate Your Firm, We Launch It Into the Digital Stratosphere

Forget about climbing the Google ladder. With Law Firm Local SEO, we’re building you a goddamn elevator. We’re not here to nudge your firm up a few spots in search results. We’re here to catapult your digital reputation so high that potential clients will need a telescope to see your competition.

How our links are built:


  1. non sexual
  2. non violence
  3. non drug related
  4. Non casino or gambling
  5. DR > 30
  6. Traffic > 500
  7. Not in the DO NOT USE Section and Watchlist
  8. Check if site is sharing Google Analytics ID
  9. Check if site is sharing IP Address

SOP: Link Relevance Guidelines

  • The article headline should mention the topic of the client’s article
  • The anchor text needs to be related to the topic of the client’s article
  • The content of the article should be relevant to the client’s article

SOP: Link Checking

  1. Start with a clean slate
    1. Start with a clean slate, create a new profile in chrome, do not log in to your personal account.
    2. Ensure that you don’t use any ad blocker plugins in your browser.
    3. Ensure that chrome’s native ad blocker is disabled.
  2. Check the client’s requirements
    1. DR requirement (if there’s any)
    2. Client articles/links to be used
    3. Keywords for the anchor texts (if given)
    4. Special or additional instructions (e.g., “Use design-related websites only,” “Do not use links already used for (insert website),” etc.)
  3. Establish LINKFROM-LINKTO connection
  1. Always check if the LINKFROM is appropriate to the LINKTO by checking the relevance of the content of both. If there’s a more appropriate LINKTO from the client as compared to where the LINKFROM was currently built, kindly suggest customization to the builder via notes. This will help prevent issues with the client in the future.
  2. Kindly double check if LINKFROM-LINKTO combination is copied properly or not by the builder. Check as well if the links work or not when opened via our web browsers. There has been cases of erroneous links due to typo/copy&paste issues so please be patient to check further.
  1. Check site attributes
    1. Traffic (site and/or page)- The default value for organic/site traffic is 500.  if the article/content from the links built is written more than a year ago (based on year), kindly check the page traffic (not site) and watch out for the following: a) search traffic- value should be at least 10-15, b) KW- at least 2. If the values are not satisfied, kindly note the following and set status as reject.
    2. content or a series of repetitive ads on the sidebar). Check spam score- The threshold value for spam score is between 1% to 30%. If it is 31% and above, kindly reject and leave a note about it.
    1. on Spammy- There are ads structures that are okay such as small ads in the banner, subtle ads within the content and sidebar. Finding one type of an ad found within the page is okay (e.g. one pop-up or one ad within
  • Leave a “spammy” note then reject the entry if:
  • you found 2 or more combinations of the type of ads mentioned,
  • The ads are related to or are about casino, gambling, adult-related, violence, and guest post/write for us
  • Kindly note what the structure of the ad (e.g. pop-up, small ad banner, big ad banner, repetitive ads, ads within content, etc) is found in the content. In cases when a combination of these ad structures are found, kindly note them as well. Don’t forget to take gyazo to support it. Example of notes:
  • big ad banner on top
  • combination of pop-up + ad within content
  • Indicate as well what type of ads, banners, or links are found that caused you to reject it. Again, don’t forget to take gyazo to support it. Example of notes:
  • Links or ad related to casino
  • general ads or banners
  • write for us/guest post ads or banner (subtle links in the footer of the website is fine)
    1. Existence of regulated niche, page/article KWs- If there are words/keywords/links in the site/content that are related to or are about casino, gambling, adult-related, violence, and guest post, kindly take note and reject the entry. Also check for the KWs that the site is ranking with.Check via ahrefs (Organic keywords under Organic search menu on the left side) if the site is ranking or has KWs related to drugs (except for our clients with this niche, example, getmmtech), adult-related, casino, or gambling. If so, specify what the KWs relate to, take a gyazo, then reject the entry. During searching for KWs, remember to set the country based on your client (example: is Canada). If it cannot be determined or is not specified, set it to US. The default value for the country is US.
    2. Kindly reject link entries if the majority (TOP 1) of the traffic comes from India or Pakistan or Philippines. Include it in your notes and support by taking gyazo. Exception to this rule is when the topic of the client includes/mentions the following countries mentioned.

For example:

Buddha and Karma – India is a Buddhist Country; Remitfinder has an article about remittance from US to Philippines

    1. If there are entries/sites/links that may have been used and you think is a possible PBN, kindly escalate the issue to miss Bea via discord-PM so she can double check and give feedback to the prospecting team as well.

SOP: Link Relevance Guidelines

Relevance: how appropriate something is to what’s being done or said

For example: 

  • The website niche*  is related to the client’s topic/article
  • The article headline mentions the topic of the client’s article
  • The anchor text is  related** to the topic of the client’s article
  • The content of the article is related** or mentions something related to the client’s article

*specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service

**associated with the specified item or process; belonging to the same family, group, or type; connected


Level of Relevance:



Article Title

Article Content

Anchor Text


Directly Relevant (Same Topic)

Directly Relevant (Same Topic/Keyword)

Directly Relevant (Same Niche/Keyword)

Directly Relevant

(Contains Keywords specified by client)



(Related to Niche/Parent Keyword)

Directly Relevant

(Same Topic)

Directly Relevant

(Same Topic)

Directly Relevant

(Contains Keywords specified by client)



(Related to Niche/Parent Keyword)


(Related to Niche/Parent Keyword)


(Related to Niche/Parent Keyword)

NOTE: Contains a section

Directly Relevant

(Contains Keywords specified by client)

NOTE: Branded Links not allowed


General Sites

(Unrelated to Niche)


(Related to Niche/Parent Keyword)


(Related to Niche/Parent Keyword)

NOTE: Contains a section

Directly Relevant

(Contains Keywords specified by client)

NOTE: Branded Links not allowed

E.g. Let’s say you have an article about 5 Tips For SEO:

Anchor text:

✅  “Best Tips For SEO” is Good

👎 “Best Tips For Marketing” isn’t good – it’s not relevant to the topic you’re linking to


✅ “How To Grow Your Business With SEO” is good

👎 Making money with an online business is not relevant


✅  If the paragraph you get a link from mentions SEO that’s great!

👎 If the paragraph does not mention SEO then it’s not good

It’s important to note the specific topic of the article and make everything relevant to that:

E.g. A blog about real estate investing has NOTHING to do with a blog about Angel Investing – they’re 2 completely different and irrelevant topics.

Then it’s just a case of:

  • Related website/page niche
  • Related anchor text
  • Related headline
  • Related content


Your digital empire awaits, counselor. Are you ready to rule it?